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Hydrotherapy Detox

Combining heat, water, and air in our cozy soaking tub; the Ozone Spa therapy uses microbubble technology to cleanse the pores on a molecular level. 

• Relief of irritation: Allergies, Sensitive Skin, Itchiness, & Dryness

• Skin & Coat De-toxification

• Anti-Inflammatory healing

• De-shedding & De-odorizing/De-skunking

• Degreasing

• Hair Re-growth

• Coat Whitening & Color Enhancement

Some benefits of this miracle therapy include:


Understand the Science


Transcend the ordinary and treat your close companion to the ultimate relaxation and pampering experience by trying our Ozone Hydrotherapy Treatment. Your pet will indulge in this treatment within the luxurious confines of our iconic showroom spa tub, emerging feeling thoroughly rejuvenated and refreshed.


This ground-breaking treatment is based on science; infusing activated oxygen molecules (ozone, or O3) into the bath water. This manifests in a jacuzzi-like environment, surrounding the pet in microbubbles.


These groundbreaking microbubbles, astonishingly tiny, possess the remarkable ability to journey farther than typical bath substances. Leveraging this unique trait, we've devised a gentle yet highly effective method for purifying your dog's coat and skin, guaranteeing a pristine and radiant appearance.

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